Jan 23, 2009
Jan 22, 2009
fake & bake disaster

insane~ read here what happened to a man when his tanning booth caught on FIRE!
And I was totally going to fake tan today after work, ugh!
RIP heath ledger! 1 yr.

It's officially one year since his tragic passing- damn. May he rest in peace!
On a brighter side, I am now following Britney Spears on twitter. Ha. That's right. I officially joined twitter and I plan to stay committed (for now). I have to see what this site is all about and perhaps I'll end up liking the concept...
And we now have NO MORE BUSH!! I never realized how much history I've witnessed first-hand in my short little life so far: The World Trade Center-911, Obama- 1st Black President, the plane crash in the Hudson River, the comeback of TNKOTB, the legalization of gay marriage (not all states yet), the turn of the century Y2K and the scare that all power/electronics would fail and that the "world would end", the recession and terrible job layoffs, the Giants winning the superbowl, the rise and fall and comeback that is Britney Spears, and so on.
I'm now running on 2 hours of sleep. I don't know why but I could not go to sleep until around 5:30am. Delirious!
BTW how archaic is tax season-- is there not a simpler way than to save all this shit in the mail, W2 forms, etc and have to figure out numbers...
I'm now running on 2 hours of sleep. I don't know why but I could not go to sleep until around 5:30am. Delirious!
BTW how archaic is tax season-- is there not a simpler way than to save all this shit in the mail, W2 forms, etc and have to figure out numbers...
Jan 19, 2009
MLK day
I finally figured out what to do for my 25th birthday. If you're on facebook, you probably got the invite already- if not, just ask me...! :)
Ok, so why is this skank famous- her audition tape would make me want to strangle her. And the worst part, you can hear her DAD laughing in the background at the parts he thinks are "funny" or "cute":
Jan 18, 2009
Jan 15, 2009
The Best Possible Plane Crash to Be In - click on my pictures to enlarge
Something substantial to blog about today...!
Above are the pictures I took from my office!!!!Around 4pm my co-worker Kim told us that a plane had crashed into the Hudson River. We were shocked! The windows right by our cubes look out onto the river- how did we not hear it? See it? We have a view out our windows from Harlem all the way down to the Financial District! We went to the large windows and looked north and the plane had crashed across from the north side of Hoboken. So close to my building! Thank God everyone made it out of the plane OK- although I highly doubted that 150 people could escape a plane alive in the FREEZING water. What about babies? Small children? Pets on board? But the report is in. I took some pictures from my office to "document" what was going on- along with one video of all of the people crowding along Pier A in Hoboken to get a view of the tail poking out of the water. At 4pm, there were only a couple of boats surrounding the bobbing plane and soon enough, helicopters, tug boats, and more ferries made their way onto the scene. The amount of emergency vehicles on the NYC side of the river was insane- I'm assuming all of the passengers were taken out to NYC hospitals although the tug boats did pull the plane to the Jersey side. Seeing a crashed plane being pulled by a boat was surreal. I'm so happy that a miracle happened and saved everyone on one of the coldest days. The pilot knew he had had a run in with a flock of birds and the fact that he made a graceful landing in the river (rather than crashing in Hoboken or the west side of NYC) is incredible.
The only thing that will PISS ME OFF about this miracle is the coverage on the news- the media is eating this up right now- they're breathlessly waiting to exaggerate what happened- a melodramatic night of TV watching it will be... Whatever happened to unbias reporting? Did it ever really exist? hopefully since this event is a miracle- it will be pleasant reporting!
Anyway, all in all I am super thankful for life- life for the people on the plane and life for those that could have been additionally injured had it landed on LAND!
Enjoy the news tonight!
Check out my video below that I took from work- I should totally be a news reporter.
Jan 14, 2009
spooning leads to forking

Time to vent... My back has been killing ever since Monday (after my chair massage at the nail salon). He definitely pushed a muscle the wrong way because it kills to move my neck around. And it's so strange because it hurts in my right shoulder blade area when I move my neck. Grr! What else... OH my PSE&G bill this month is $270!!!! wtf. So I called and after holding for 15 minutes, I was told that when they came to read the meter, no one let them in the building. So therefore they estimated my bill to be $270 rather than the usual $70??? 200 more??? So then I had to go to the basement to look for the meter that they told me looked like a "fish bowl"- I found every meter (sprinkler, etc) BUT. So they told the meter might be on the 1st floor in my landlords office which of course is closed now. I hung up. Called my landlord. Then I felt the urge to check inside the storage closet on the 1st floor and THERE IT WAS. Then I called a 3rd time, each time being a 10-15 min wait and I read off numbers but again it was like $200 which can't be. So they cancelled my bill and will read jan and feb when they come in feb. So that's pretty sweet.
I had an awesome dinner and by awesome, I mean ON POINT. At first I was craving sushi but I'm going out Friday night for that, so then I craved Boston Market :) So incredibly worth it. The mashed potatoes...the macaroni and cheese... yum!
check out how cruel this video is- poor kid:
Jan 13, 2009

FINALLY got my haircut today! Trying to grow it long is impossible- I feel like as soon as I make a little bit of progress, it's time to trim it yet again. I told my Mom today that for my 25th birthday I'd like braces. That's riiiight. Had braces from when I was 9-12 but my bottom teeth are now a mess and it's the one thing that I am majorly self-conscious of right now. I feel like when I talk, people are just looking at my bottom teeth and how crooked they are. I have to call an orthodontist in Hoboken by the end of this week to see if maybe I can get away with just a retainer on bottom rather than the full brace-face. We'll see... Regardless something must be done about this pronto. On another note, I have to brainstorm where Aja and I should go this weekend. She's coming for a night out on the town and I want to pick really fantastic/social/happenin' places... I just saw a commercial for "He's Just Not that Into You" and I CAN'T WAIT... it's the story of my life!!
Anyway, time to read Twilight some more. I was on such a roll and thought I'd finish in 2 days but then A.D.D. set in...
xoxo megan
Jan 12, 2009
crackberry rehab

The only New Years resolutions I have come up with for 2009 are to eat healthier (aka lose 10 lbs or so) and be a better friend. However, a couple of days ago I decided it was time for me to detox from my blackberry. The best resolution EVER. I've had a blackberry curve...pearl... for around 2 years now and I can't believe how obsessed I was! I would be out with friends and rather than living in the moment and enjoying their company, I would obsessively check to see if the red light indicator was flashing- perhaps I got a BBM or a facebook wall post or a gchat message or NYU alumni email or a myspace update or a friend request .... you get the point! So I am free from technologyyy. I figure, hey, I have a macbook so I can check my email, aim, facebook, etc there, so why physically carry around this demon device that makes me isolate myself from society? I feel so much better- honestly. I have the LG slide phone now, simple and sweet- it's the one in the LC/Brody commercial. And I actually look up now and notice things when I'm walking around Hoboken, waiting to meet up with friends, and so on!
Last night I read 190 pages of Twilight and I'm loving it. It's so hard to put down because the author constantly leaves you hanging- what a tease. It's a simple read but incredibly enjoyable nonetheless.
xoxo megan
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