Jan 15, 2009

The Best Possible Plane Crash to Be In - click on my pictures to enlarge

Something substantial to blog about today...!
Above are the pictures I took from my office!!!!
Around 4pm my co-worker Kim told us that a plane had crashed into the Hudson River. We were shocked! The windows right by our cubes look out onto the river- how did we not hear it? See it? We have a view out our windows from Harlem all the way down to the Financial District! We went to the large windows and looked north and the plane had crashed across from the north side of Hoboken. So close to my building! Thank God everyone made it out of the plane OK- although I highly doubted that 150 people could escape a plane alive in the FREEZING water. What about babies? Small children? Pets on board? But the report is in. I took some pictures from my office to "document" what was going on- along with one video of all of the people crowding along Pier A in Hoboken to get a view of the tail poking out of the water. At 4pm, there were only a couple of boats surrounding the bobbing plane and soon enough, helicopters, tug boats, and more ferries made their way onto the scene. The amount of emergency vehicles on the NYC side of the river was insane- I'm assuming all of the passengers were taken out to NYC hospitals although the tug boats did pull the plane to the Jersey side. Seeing a crashed plane being pulled by a boat was surreal. I'm so happy that a miracle happened and saved everyone on one of the coldest days. The pilot knew he had had a run in with a flock of birds and the fact that he made a graceful landing in the river (rather than crashing in Hoboken or the west side of NYC) is incredible.

The only thing that will PISS ME OFF about this miracle is the coverage on the news- the media is eating this up right now- they're breathlessly waiting to exaggerate what happened- a melodramatic night of TV watching it will be... Whatever happened to unbias reporting? Did it ever really exist?  hopefully since this event is a miracle- it will be pleasant reporting!

Anyway, all in all I am super thankful for life- life for the people on the plane and life for those that could have been additionally injured had it landed on LAND!

Enjoy the news tonight!
Check out my video below that I took from work- I should totally be a news reporter.


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