The only New Years resolutions I have come up with for 2009 are to eat healthier (aka lose 10 lbs or so) and be a better friend. However, a couple of days ago I decided it was time for me to detox from my blackberry. The best resolution EVER. I've had a blackberry curve...pearl... for around 2 years now and I can't believe how obsessed I was! I would be out with friends and rather than living in the moment and enjoying their company, I would obsessively check to see if the red light indicator was flashing- perhaps I got a BBM or a facebook wall post or a gchat message or NYU alumni email or a myspace update or a friend request .... you get the point! So I am free from technologyyy. I figure, hey, I have a macbook so I can check my email, aim, facebook, etc there, so why physically carry around this demon device that makes me isolate myself from society? I feel so much better- honestly. I have the LG slide phone now, simple and sweet- it's the one in the LC/Brody commercial. And I actually look up now and notice things when I'm walking around Hoboken, waiting to meet up with friends, and so on!
Last night I read 190 pages of Twilight and I'm loving it. It's so hard to put down because the author constantly leaves you hanging- what a tease. It's a simple read but incredibly enjoyable nonetheless.
xoxo megan
Twilight was such a good book. Edward Cullen. <333 You'll love the rest of the series, too. It only gets better. lol
ReplyDeleteDon't fucking listen to this anonymous bullshit. It's probably Ariel or Nikki Bones fucking with your precious little head. As for the phone change, I can't. HAHAHAHAHA! You finally notice things and "look up?" I'm dying but I'm not. I love you. Hello?